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Konstantin Magaryan


Governmental awards:

• State Scholarship of the Government of the Russian Federation for PhD students 2014-2015

• State Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation for PhD students 2015-2016


Conferences awards:

• 15th All-Russian Workshop "Physics and application of microwaves", Moscow, Mozhaisk, 1-6 of June 2015

Award: diploma for the high level of the report (Oral Presentation)

• International Workshop on Quantum Optics (IWQO – 2015), Moscow, Troitsk, 11-16 of August 2015

Award: diploma for the high level of the report (Poster Presentation)

• XIII All-Russian Samara Conference on Optics and Laser Physics, Samara, Russia, 11-14 of November, 2015

Award: First Place at the Scientific Reports Competition (Oral Presentation)